Ultra Rock Agency
It's a blog about Eastern European punkwave
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Kedves Látogatók!
Az Ultra Rock Agency blog ezennel megszűnik! Nincs már időm rá, és kedvem sincsen tovább folytatni. Szerencsére azonban már vannak más olyan blogok ebben a témában, amelyek kielégítik a underground ízlést, lásd: KARANTÉNZÓNA .
Úgy érzem, az Ultra Rock Agency teljesítette azt, amiért létrejött: 3 éves működése alatt rengeteg valóban ritka felvételeket tett közzé, népszerűsítette a 80-as évekbeli hazai undergroundot és összehozott egy kis közösséget, akik látogatták az oldalt. Köszönöm mindenkinek, aki látogatta a blogot, a linkeket nem szedem le, töltsétek őket addig, ameddig meg nem halnak!
Minden jót!
Dear Visitors!
Ultra Rock Agency blog is not exist anymore! I have no time to the blog, and i don't wanna do it! Luckily, you can find more another underground blogs instead of URA , like : KARANTÉNZÓNA.
I feel, the URA did his duty: i shared a really true rare recordings, i tried to popularize the 80s Hungarian undergound and introdice a bit community who visited this page. Thank you everybody who visited my blog! I won't delete the links, download them as long as become dead!
All the best!
Thursday, 22 March 2012

I will make a 80s new wave party in my town again in a cool new place "Rongy Kocsma".
I will play '77 british punk, 80s synth-electro stuffs, post punk and new wave musics, and will play some 80s ex-yugoslavian, west-german and french new wave stuffs!
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Balkan Futourist-Ding Deng Dong LP 1988

Balkan Futourist was a cool short-lived, but very dance-oriented new wave/underground group in the end 80s in Hungary. They released only LP in 1988, and later (around 2009) the 1grecords released again the same album, but with different tracklist and with 2 bonus tracks.
The LP version of Ding Deng Dong is totally rare nowadays, and i couldn't upload the LP version, just the re-released different version. Enjoy!
01. Arcomon ablak (Window on my face)
02. Nem vagy olyan (You're not a such...)
03. Welcome to AIDS
04. Ahogy bámulod a kirakatokat (As you looking the shop-windows)
05. Meglátod majd (You will see)
06. Geng (Gang)
07. Világsláger 2. (Hitsong no. 2.)
08. Néha (Sometimes)
09. Dira Magrait
11. Bolygók (Planets)
12. Nyilvántartanak (They register you)
Link: http://depositfiles.com/files/1j2av67oo
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Kraftwerk - live in Budapest 14.08.1981

Cool west-german new wave band, Kraftwerk played in Budapest 1981, and here's their rare bootleg! You can listening some famous Kraftwerk song from Autobanh to Computerword in german!
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?se7y142f5h8v0q5
new wave
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Atlantis- legendary Hungarian beat/rock pioneers 1965

Not punk or new wave music, but this EP collection is one of my favorite from the 60s. This band - Atlantis - was the one of the greatest Hungarian beat/pop band between 1965-1966. Their first EP released in early 1965, and it was the first Hungarian beat record. They had just cover songs (from Beatles, Beach Boys, Johnny Kid and the Pirates, ecc.) but these stuffs were better than the original songs! And they had lot of cool instrumental songs, like Atlantis Rock - it's fantastic!
These album is a unofficial EP collection of the band from 1965-1966. They never released LP, just EP-s until 1971, but after 1966 their EP became shit... The band split up in 1971.
01. Should have known better (Beatles)
02. Hindu dal (instr.)
03. Shakin' all over (Johnny Kidd)
04. Atlantis rock (instr.)
05. Rock and roll music ( Beatles)
06. Trubadúr parafrázis (instr.)
07. What do i say? (Ray Charles)
08. A dongó (instr.)
09. Woolly- Bully ( Sam and the Sam)
10. Don Quijote (instr.)
11. Hold me ( Little-Oppenheim)
12. Szöcske (instr.)
13. Do you want to dance? (Beach Boys)
14. Little Honda (Beach Boys)
15. Bits and Pieces (Dave Clarke Five)
16. Miért vagy szemtelen?
17. Ki ölte meg Kennedy-t?
18. Henry VIII. (Hermann Hermits)
19. Michelle (Beatles)
20.Inside Lookin' Out (Animals)
21. At the scene (Dave Clarke Five)
01.-04. : 1st EP 1965
05.-08. : 2nd EP 1965
09.-12. : 3th EP 1966
13.- 16. : 4th EP 1966
18.-19. : single 1966
17. ; 20. ; 21. ; recorded at radio in 1966
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?98ho8cjvpqct4p6
Friday, 13 January 2012
88-as csoport- rehearsalroom video 1985 (not full)
Here is the rare video from cool Szeged punk/oi band, 88-as Csoport! Enjoy!
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