Friday 27 November 2009

Punk concert in club Mozaik 18.02.1983

In february 1983 six punk bands played in club Mozaik. These bands are: Kretens, Mosoi,BTK, CPg, Elhárítás, T34. It was a scandalous gig, because later Mosoi and CPg went to prison because of their lyrics.
Some information about the bands:

Kretens: I already wrote about Kretens. Formed in 1981 and in initial period (until 1983) they played non-commercial punk music, they were angry and anti-social. But after the gig, members of Kretens got a censure.They changed, and their music would be boring....


01.Induló (March)
02.Bürokraták (Bureaucrats)
03.Annyira fáj (It's very hurt me)
04.Üstben végzed az életed (You will dead in the pot)
05.Kripta ( Crypt)
06.5000 Ft-os ember (5000 HUF people)
07.Harmadik vétek (3rd sin)
08.Képmutató világ (Hypocritical world)
09.Százados elvtárs (Captain Comrade)
10.Neutron bomba-rumba (Neutron bomb-rumba)
11.Sárga veszedelem (Chinese danger)
12.Bobby Sands
13.Kinek kell ez? (Who care it?)
14.Csak ölsz (You just kill)
15.Előre vörösök (Soviets go on!)
16.Induló (March-reprise)


Mosoi: Maybe formed in late 1982 or in early 1983. Mosoi was a first skinhead band in Hungary, and they had one gig and the bandmembers went to prison. Mosoi lyrics was very very hard, angry and anti-social at this time. Some lyrics was racist. Not so friendly music, but very interesting. They sang about immigrants, gipsys, knob policemans and spoke about Ceausescu's Romania. I hope nobody is angry me because of this upload.


17. Bevándorlók bére (
Immigrants pay)
18.Cigánymentes övezet (Anti-gipsy area)
19. Rendőrdal (Policeman song)
20.Románia (Romania)
21.Skinhead-induló (Skinhead-march)


CPg: I already wrote about this band, therefore i don't want to write a lot. CPg band-history
very well-known.


22.Bu Bu
23.Ezredes (Colonel)
24.Hosszúhajú gyerekek (Long hair boys)
25.Mindenki tetű az MNK-ban (Everybody is louse in People's Republic of Hungary
26. Párbaj (Duel)
27.Primitív bunkó (Primitive knob)
28.Erdős Péter (Péter Erdős)
29.Áll egy ifjú élmunkás a réten (Young worker stand on the field)
30.Mindent megeszünk (We eat everything)
31.A berlini fal (Berlin wall)
32.Meghalt a cselszövö (Schemer was dead)
33.Anarchia (Anarchy)
34.Atombomba (Atomic bomb)
36.Mindennek te vagy az oka (You are the reason of everything)

T-34 : One of the very interesting Hungarian punkband, formed in 1981 and broke up in 1983.
I don't know a lot about T34, just a little: the singer, called him "Horthy"
(Miklós Horthy was a governing in Hungary between 1919-1944)
and he was very nervous and aggressive. "Horthy" deserted to West
after 1983, and he would be a Swiss neonazi...
We can call him to the Hungarian pre-skinhead.
I have 4 songs from band, maybe from this concert.


01.Erekció (Erection)
02.Kispolgári anarchia (Middle-class anarchy)
03.Pulóver (Pullover-"Long hair, little brain, unfashionable mob")
04.Amerika, köszönjük!


Elhárítás and BTK : I uploaded these recordings on my blog, you can download, if you interested in.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Sex-E-Pil live in Club Ráday 28.10. 1985

Sex-E-Pil was a cult Hungarian new wave/underground band, formed in 1982 when the legendary Hungarian punkband, ETA broke up. In initial period, they played Sex Pistols and Public Image Ltd songs (look at their name: Sex Pistols+PIL=SEX-E- PIL). Since 1984, the band often played in Club Ráday and other cult underground places.
In 1989, they released their first LP, the name of the LP: Egyesült Álmok (in english: United Dreams) and and later they released lot of cassettes and albums. I think, the band play nowadays too!

I uploaded one of their concert in Club Ráday. Good quality and good tones!


01.I love Budapest
02.Real good time (Lou Reed)
03.What do you say?
04.Rotten armen fraktion
05.Zombies go for Manhattan
06.Értsd meg szívem (Understand it, my darling)
07.Várj még (Still wait)
08.A tested (Your body)
09.Nyáron éjjel (In summer, at night)
10.Apám japán (My father is a Japanese)
11.A tükrön túl (Beyond the mirror)
12.Az ügynök (The agent)
13.Semmi az egész (All the same)
14.Oh darling
15.Vámpírok bálja (Party to the Vampires)
16.Ne sírj (Don't cry)
17.Zéta bolygó (Planet Zeta)
18.Gyilkos támad (The killer is attack)


Európa Kiadó- Concert Gödöllő, 1983

Here's one of the live recording from cult Hungarian new wave/underground band, Európa Kiadó.
This recording made in 1983 at Gödöllő (city near to Budapest). Very great recording with absolutely good quality! Unfortunately, i couldn't find good picture about the band...


01.Európa Kiadó (European publisher)
02.Megalázó szerelem (Degrading love)
03.Átvezetés (Pass through)
04.33 nevem volt (I had 33 name)
05.M. avagy egy város... (M. the city...)
06.Fiatal magyarok/Nem vagy olyan jó (Young Hungarians/ You are no good)
07.Rendőrlány (Police-girl)
08.Várna (Varna)
09.Mocskos idők (Dirty times)
10.Szabadíts meg... (Give me free)
11.Igazi hős (Real hero)
12.Jó lesz (It will be good)


Monday 9 November 2009

BTK-live and demos 1983

BTK was a one of the first Hungarian electro-punk band, formed in 1982 or 1983. They played D.A.F. (Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft -famous electro/NDW band from Düsseldorf in the early 80s) influenced music(they often played D.A.F.'s famous song Der Mussolini.
BTK played unusual music in this time, because electro music was not too liked music style in Hungary.

Here's their few songs:

01.Vágyak (Desires)
02.Avandgárd (Avantgard)
03.Depresszió (Depression)
04.Der Mussolini (D.A.F. cover)
06.Orosz tél (Russian winter)
07.Telefon (Telephone)
08.Vágyak (Desires)

Link: - koncertek '

Művirág-demo 1983

Művirág (meaning: Plastic flower) was a Hungarian underground/new wave band from 1983. I don't know anymore about this band. Here's their only demotape from 1983. Quality is very good, but no titles....

Link:űvirág - demo

Friday 6 November 2009

Rolls Frakció-12. 11. 1981

It's a very interesting recording from band Rolls Frakció (Rolls Fraction). Rolls founded in 1979, but in initial period, they played boring hard-rock music. Released a half-7" (Már megtanultam rég-I already learnt it formerly) and the band changed music style. PUNK and NEW WAVE came in Hungary between 1980-1981 therefore Rolls changed. It was a succesful change because hard rock was dead in
Hungary in early 80s. After this, the band played Police and Sex Pistols influence new wave music with very critical lyrics. Rolls would be a famous new wave band in Hungary between 1981-1983.
So this concert recording is "mixture". Rolls already play their famous punk/new wave songs but still they play their boring hard-rock songs too!! But some month ago, they left these hard-rock songs. Fortunately....


02. Belvárosi üvegház (Central skyscraper)
03. Robbangatunk, rabolgatunk (We just damage and we just rob)
04.Fejezetek egy iskolás gyermek naplójából (Diary of schoolboy)
05.Mérgeskígyó (Poison snake)
06.Budapest felett (Budapest over)
07.Jólét (Wealth)
08.Lombikbébi (Lombic-baby)
09.Hétköznapi tégla (Daily spy)
10.Szabad vagyok (I'm free)
11.Adj egy jelvényt (Give me a badge)
12.Bérház (Apartment house)
13.Már megtanultam rég (I already learnt it formerly)

Link: Frakció-Rolls (1981. BIP).zip

the "hard-rock" Rolls in 1979 with long hair and torn clothes...