In 1989, they released their first LP, the name of the LP: Egyesült Álmok (in english: United Dreams) and and later they released lot of cassettes and albums. I think, the band play nowadays too!
I uploaded one of their concert in Club Ráday. Good quality and good tones!
01.I love Budapest
02.Real good time (Lou Reed)
03.What do you say?
04.Rotten armen fraktion
05.Zombies go for Manhattan
06.Értsd meg szívem (Understand it, my darling)
07.Várj még (Still wait)
08.A tested (Your body)
09.Nyáron éjjel (In summer, at night)
10.Apám japán (My father is a Japanese)
11.A tükrön túl (Beyond the mirror)
12.Az ügynök (The agent)
13.Semmi az egész (All the same)
14.Oh darling
15.Vámpírok bálja (Party to the Vampires)
16.Ne sírj (Don't cry)
17.Zéta bolygó (Planet Zeta)
18.Gyilkos támad (The killer is attack)