Monday 8 June 2009

Spenót-demo 1983

Spenót(meaning:Spinach) was a Hungarian new wave band between 1981-1983.
In first period, the band played reggae-rock music with a bit punk but sooner, the band changed about synth new wave. Their lyrics there are a bit provocative and critical. In 1983, they made this demo and later, they released only 7" (Samba/Hová tűntek a szőke nők) and the band broke up.
Great demo, download, and enjoy!

01.Csak cigarettázom és eszem(I just smoking and eating)
02.Ép testben(In health body)
03.Fantasztikusan szép vagy(You are a very beautiful)
04.80-as évek(Boring 80s)
06.Forró szerelem(Hot love)
07.Hová tűntek a szőke nők? (Where the blond women were disappearing?)
08.Wir sind modern!
10.Modern idők(Modern ages)
