Kretens (meaning: Cretins) is a famous, but not too individual Hungarian punkband, formed in 1981 and they play nowadays too. I think, you will like this rare Kretens recordings but i don't like them.
They made a lot of demo during the 80s, and they played in West-Berlin and West-Germany. After change of regime, they played with UK.Subs and Henry Rollins.

This bootleg made in 1985 when the Kretens played in PECSA before 1500-2000 people.
Not too good bootleg, very poor quality but I think, you will like this rare Kretens recordings but i don't like them.
Official Kretens site: www.kretens.com
in last picture: Kretens in West-Berlin maybe 1989
01.A fal (The wall)
02.Nincs mese (there is no time)
03.Helyzetelemzés 1983 (Situation report 1983)
04.Bobby sands
05.Minden olyan szép (Everything is beautiful)
06.Várok még 1 (I still wait)
07.Várok még 2 (I still wait)
08.Beteg város (Sick city)
09.Szabad szájak (Free mouths)
10.Élet (Life)
11.Bye, Bye!
12.Gyilkosom (My murder)
13.Sötét felhők (Black clouds)
14.Hunok vagyunk (We are Huns)
15.Induló (March)
16.Állj meg! (Stop now!)
17.Felejtsd el (Forget it)