Neurotic festival was a punk/new wave concert in Ikarusz club in Budapest, 1982. Some Hungarian punk/new wave band played in this festival who were famous at that time. There are: Neurotic, Kontroll Csoport, ETA, Európa Kiadó, Citrom, and Balaton.
Now i uploaded Balaton concert. I don't like this band till now but this concert recording is awesome! They played sadly music with sadly and intellectual lyrics. Great concert recording with good quality! Enjoy!
01. Tangó (Tango)
02. Levert vagy (You are depressed)
03. Párduc (Panther)
04.Itt van pedig senki se hívta (He is here but nobody called him)
05.Most tényleg félek (Now i'm afraid)
06.Valld be (Give confess)
07.Nekem se jó (It's neither good for me)
08.Neonvirágos éj (Neonflower night)
09.Mindig egyedül (Always lonely)
10. Perzsaszőnyeg (Persian carpit)
11.Felejthetetlen (It's unforgettable)