Their demo there are very good quality and their lyrics speak about typical 80s pessimistic Hungarian feeling. This short demotape is great! Enjoy!
01.Ezredforduló (Turn of the millenium)
02.Állj ki! (Get up!)
03.Eljön még a korszakom (My time comes)
04.Alkohol (Alcohol)
05.A munka himnusza (Anthem of work)
06.Életem egy lázálom (My life is a nightmare)
07.Farkas (The wolf)
08.Rózsadombi villa (The Villa)
01.Olasz fagylalt (Italian icecream)
02.Ezredforduló (Turn of the millenium)
03.Áll ki+Eljön még az én időm (Get up! +My time comes)
04.Alkohol (Alcohol)
05.A munka himnusza (Anthem of work)
06.Olasz fagylalt (Italian icecream)
07.Ezredforduló (Turn of the millenium)