This demo made in 1984, very good quality, there are 10 excellent punk songs with good lyrics and primitive, but effective and aggressive music. Their lyrics there are : vision of nuclear war, depression, empty life, word-pain...ecc. So, it's a one of the Hungarian punk stuff!
If you want to read more about this band, here is a MUSICCOMMUNICATION blog. It's also good blog about the Hungarian music, and here is a good article about Koordináció B with lyrics and band-history:
01. Boldogságomnak csak egy a híja (My happiness lack of one)
02.Nyas'gem! (Fuck off)
03.Szabad ország (Free country)
04.Ez a világ (This world)
05.Válság (Crisis)
06.Korlátlan pszichikai terror (Absolute psychic terror)
07.Ki az aki provokál? (Who provocate me?)
08.Nem baj (It's not trouble)
09.Pisztolynak nézem a villát (I see the pistol to fork)
10.Ez a kényszer nem kell (This compulsion not need me)