Friday 10 September 2010

Kretens-demotape 1985

Here's the interesting Kretens demotape from 1985. The band formed in 1981 and they exist nowadays too. You can download more Kretens on my blog.
This demotape there are 12 songs but the quality is not so good. You can find earlier (1982 and 1983 songs) on this demo, but the later band's songs were not so good....



01.A börtön ablakában (In the prison window)
02.Álmaimban (In my dreams)
03.Ünnep (Celebration)
04.Ringyó (Whore)
05.Százados elvtárs (Comrade Captain)
06.Bizonyíték nélkül (Without proofs)
07.Bürokrácia (Bueaucrates)
09.Hunok vagyunk (We are Huns)
10.Induló (March)
11.Kripta (Krypt)
12.5000 Ft-os ember (Man with 5000 HUF)
