Saturday 18 September 2010

Re-Upload: Inkubátor-Live 1982

Inkubátor(meaning:Inqubator) was a punkband between 1981-1982. Sorry for bad picture but i didn't find any picture about this band(i made with my mobilephone...). This tape is a bad quality live recording, maybe from early 1982... Typical look intellectual but angry lyrics.
And it's very interesting, because they played a popular Lavina song, Elizium.
I upload again, because the link was dead...


01.Búcsúzni kell (We must farewell)
02.A családnak vagdalthús kell (Family needs minced meat)
03.Ásd el magad! (Bury yourself!)
04.Becsukják az okosokat (Intellectuals go to prison)
06.Nem kell semmi (We needn't nothing)


Re-Upload: Spenót-live in 1983

Here's one of bootleg from great Hungarian new wave band, Spenót (Spinach).
I upload again, because the link was out of order.... Enjoy!


01.Beprogramoztak (Program me)
02.Modern idők (Modern ages)
03.Hová tűntek a szőke nők (Where the blond women were disappering?)
04.Csak cigarettázom és eszem (I just smoke and eat)
05.Fantasztikusan szép vagy (You are a very beautiful)
06.Órák (Times)
07.Rendőr (Policeman)
08.80-as évek (Boring 80s)
09.Wir sind modern
10.983-as légikalóz (Terrorist 983)
11.983-as légikalóz 2 (Terrorist 983)
12.Földöntúli hatalom (Unearthly power)
13.Levezetés (Outro)


Friday 10 September 2010

Kretens-demotape 1985

Here's the interesting Kretens demotape from 1985. The band formed in 1981 and they exist nowadays too. You can download more Kretens on my blog.
This demotape there are 12 songs but the quality is not so good. You can find earlier (1982 and 1983 songs) on this demo, but the later band's songs were not so good....



01.A börtön ablakában (In the prison window)
02.Álmaimban (In my dreams)
03.Ünnep (Celebration)
04.Ringyó (Whore)
05.Százados elvtárs (Comrade Captain)
06.Bizonyíték nélkül (Without proofs)
07.Bürokrácia (Bueaucrates)
09.Hunok vagyunk (We are Huns)
10.Induló (March)
11.Kripta (Krypt)
12.5000 Ft-os ember (Man with 5000 HUF)


Saturday 4 September 2010

GM49-English demotape 1984 (?)

You can find another GM49 tape on my blog. Now, i uploaded their rare English demo. I don't know a lot about this demotape, made in maybe 1983 or 1984. I know, the singer, Galla, went to London in end of 1982 or in early 1983 and he fallen love in synthpop music style. Synthpop was a popular style in the UK in early 80s, i'm sure you heard about famous 80s English synth bands, e.g. Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, O.M.D., ecc.
Quality is excellent, this demo there are 9 songs (8 English songs and 1 Hungarian song), but all songs are very shits. Synthpop? Maybe... I don't believe this demo would be a successful in the UK. But you can.


01.That's how it is
02.Sing on
03.Banging song
06.If you are travelling
08.Mámor (Rapture)
09.Instrumental song


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Fals! - demotape 1989

Fals! - one of the Hungarian ska band from end of the 80s. I don't know a lot of information about this band, started ca. 1984 and split up in end of 1989 (?) - i don't know exactly.
The early 80s Hungarian ska bands like GM49 , and Fórum were a very new wave influenced band with a very silly lyrics. They released some 7"s and split up fast.
Mid 80s Hungarian ska bands like Skanzelizé , Flúgos Futam, Fals! were a bit skinhead influenced lyrics with lot of provocative topics (e. g. Ceausescu's Romania; Arabian immigrants in Budapest;Transylvania; ecc.).

What my opinion about Fals! demo? It's a very good quality demotape with interesting and good lyrics (e.g. "Budapest is change and will be like Cairo" ), and this demo is a one of the mark to the end of 80s Hungary!


01.Átlátszatlan ajtók (Not transparent doors)
02.Ó özvegy Kovácsné (Oh, widow Mrs. Kovács)
03.Lopez a gengszter (Lopez the gangster)
04.Mozdulj meg! (Move on!)
05.Ausztrália (Australia)
06.Mow Ska
07.Gazdasági micsoda (Economical what)
08.Szép román lány (Pretty romanian girl)
09.A' la ska
10.Észak-pesti Népfürdó Vállalat (North-Budapest public bath company)
11.Műsorszünet (Programme pause)
13.A nagy oroszlánvadász (The big lion hunter)
14.Rázzon meg a lábad! (Your legs shake you!)

