CPg(meaning Come on Punk group, later Coitus Punk Group) was a legendary Hungarian punk band. The band founded in Szeged(large city in Southern Hungary) in 1979. In 1981, the band moved to Budapest. In 1983, the band went to the prison for his anti-government lyrics...
01.Hosszúhajú gyerekek(Boys with long hair)
02.A Hard-rock már nem él (Hard-rock is died)
03.Pekinska patka("Poderimo rock" cover)
04.Mindenki tetű az MNK-ban (Everybody is louse in People's Republic of Hungary)
05.Báb vagy (You are the puppet)
06.Mindennek Te vagy az oka! (You are the reason of everything!)
07.Anarchiát! (I want to Anarchy!)
08.Áll egy ifjú élmunkás a téren
09.Primitív bunkó(Primitive knob)
10.Mindent megeszünk(We eat everything)
11.Erdős Péter(He was a director of State Record Company)