VHK(In Hungarian Vágtázó Halottkémek meaning Galopping Coroners) was a first punkband in Hungary, founded in 1975. But VHK wasn't typical punk band, they played body action and impulsive music with etno elements. They didn't sing nice songs about "Middle Nirvana", they shout and howl... VHK singer, Attila Grandpierre was absoulute punk.
VHK played in the cult Gabor Body movie Kutya Éji Dala(meaning Dogs night song).
The communist government banned VHK in the 80s, the band didn't play in Hungary too much, but they often played in West, in 1984, VHK played in West-Berlin, Copenhagen and later, they played in Netherlands. VHK broke up in 2000.
It's a live tape from 1982 there are 4 songs and 2 full concert.
1.Concert in Ikarusz 26.09.1982
2.Concert in Castle of Buda 01.04.1982
PS: You can download VHK-radio artpool demo 1985 from magtapeculturecide blog!