Friday, 29 January 2010

Bikini-live 08.12.1983. Csongrád

In 1983, Bikini released first album, Hova lett. This album is one of my favorite Hungarian punk stuff! Unclass style-many sided. Here's one of Bikini concert from 1983. This bootleg made in countryside, but absolutely good quality. Early Bikini was assimilite to Beatrice, they played (next to own songs) they played some song from Ramones (Beat on the Brat in Hungarian!!,Blitzkrieg Bop) , from West-German new wave band Trio (Da Da Da) and they played Sex Pistols too. And they often played communist "propagandist" songs, e.g. "Hegyek között". It was their joke!


01.Szignál (Signature tune)
02.A zenekar üzenete (Message of the band)
03.Hegyek között (Between mountains)
04. 13 fodor van a szoknyámon (I have 13 frill in my skirt)
06.Motorizált nemzedék (Motorized generation)
07.Nem leszek a játékszered (I'm won't your toy)
08.Viva! Carramba!
10.Da Da Da (Trio)
11.Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones)
12.Beat on the Brat (Ramones)
13.Lángosképű (Fried dough-face)
14.Térden állva (Stand in knee)
15.Katicabogárka (Ladybird)
16.Zártosztály (Mental hospital)
17.Holiday in the Sun (Sex Pistol)
18.Nagyvárosi farkas (Urban wolf)
19.Ki csinál szódát? (Who make soda?)
20.Kislány vigyázz (Little girl, take care)
21.Hegyek között (Between mountains-outro)


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Auróra Cirkáló-demotape 1984

Auróra Cirkáló (meaning: Aurora Cruising) formed in 1982, in Győr. Initial period, the band had a female member.She was the singer between 1983-1984. Frankly, i very hate this band, but i think, this early demo (with female vocals) is cool! Aggressive vocals, fast punk...good! You can listen some great song, e.g. Fojtogatók-Stranglers, and Nyugalom-Calmness.
So, summarize, this early Aurora was good and interesting, but nowadays, Aurora is a shit "punk" band without female singer.... Sorry.


01.Robotok (Robots)
02.Anarchista kiáltvány (Anarchist proclamation)
03.Nyugalom (Calmness)
04.Törjük a sót (Break the sailt)
05.Fojtogatók (Stranglers)
06.Harcoljunk a békéért (Fight for the peace)
07.Milyen boldog itt a nép (The people feel happy here)
08.Öljetek meg (Kill me)
09.Ne tagadd (Don't deny it)
10.Hánynom kell az emberektől (I must vomit from the peope)
11.Robotok (Robots)


Thursday, 14 January 2010

Art Deco-demo 1985

Art Deco was a Hungarian industrial band from early 80s. They played Einstürzende Neubauten influenced music. Here's their rare demotape from 1985. Art Deco and another industrial bands (Petting, Strand) used industrial stuffs, iron plates, drilling machines and other things. Industrial music was absolutely layer-music style in Hungary. Good quality demo, enjoy!

02.Eldorado tango (Tango of Eldorado)
03.Elektromos árnyak (Electric shades)
04.Esős Vasárnap (Rainy Sunday)
05.Kazánok lázadása (Rebel of boilers)
07.Story of Oz
08.Újra kezdődik a tánc (The dance start again)


Sunday, 10 January 2010

Marina Revue-another demotape

I have another Marina Revue rehearsal. It's a not too good quality, the tones are very very raw.

01.Romantika (Romantic)
02.Ének nélkül (Without sing)
03.Sárga eső (Yellow rain)
04.Robbanj fel te negédes világ (Blow up sweet world!)
05.Régi múltad (Your old past)
06.Rohad a bolygó (The Earth is became rotten)
07.Nem maradt ránk semmi (Nothing fell on us)
08.Éljen a nyugodtság (Nothing fell on us)
09.Úgyis meghalunk (We will die)
10.Hajszolni a boldogulást (Hunt after the happiness)
11.Kutya vonyít (Dog is howl)
12.Zúg a Volga-Ne aggódj a kormány miatt (The Volga river is rumble-Don't worry about the Government)
13.Nicky Cruz
14.Őrizd a békét (Defend the peace)
15.Én vagyok az a srác (I am that boy)


Marina Revue-rehearsal

Here's other Marina Revue demotape. I don't know too much about this tape, maybe made in 1984 or 1985. I don't know... But the quality is good and if you watch, you can understand their lyrics. I very like this tape. Enjoy!

01.Úgyis meghalunk (We will die)
02.Rohad a bolygó (The Earth is became rotten)
03.Nem maradt ránk semmi (Nothing fell on us)
04.Nicky Cruz
05.Éljen a nyugodtság (Hurray the calm)
06.Meddig tart még? (How long is it?)
07.Sárga eső (Yellow rain)
08.Robbanj föl te negédes világ (Blow up sweet world!)
09.Kutya vonyít (Dog is howl)
10.Sikoly a mából (Scream from today)
11.Régi múltad (Your old past)
12.Romantika (Romantic)
13.Hajszolni a boldogulást (Hunt after the happiness)
14.Én vagyok az a srác (I am that boy)
15.Zúg a Volga-Ne aggódj a kormány miatt (The Volga river is rumble-Don't worry about the Government)
16.Őrizd a békét (Defend the peace)


Marina Revue-Live in TOTAL '85

Here's the another and rare recording from legendary Hungarian punk band, Marina Revue.
This recording made in the first Hungarian punk festival, TOTAL 85 . Good quality, enjoy!


01.Rohad a bolygó (The Earth is rotten)
02.Éljen a nyugodtság (Hurray the calm)
03.Meddig tart még? (How long is it...?)
04.Sárga eső (Yellow rain)
05.XX.századi kultúrember (20th century cultured man)
06.Romantika (Romantic)
07.Nem maradt ránk semmi (Nothing fell on us)
08.Én vagyok az a srác (I am that boy)
09.Úgyis meghalunk (We will die)
10.Zúg a Volga-Ne aggódj a kormány miatt (Volga river is rumble-Don't worry about the Government)
11.Régi múltad (Your old past)
12.Kutya vonyít (Dog is howl)
13.Őrizd a békét (Defend the peace)
14.Nicky Cruz
15.Robbanj föl te negédes világ (Blow up sweet world)
16.Sikoly a mából (Scream from today)
17.Hajszolni a boldogulást (Hunt after the happiness)


Thursday, 7 January 2010

Backing Group-live in Kecskemét 06.10.1981

When the Beatrice broke up in 1981, the singer, Fero Nagy started a new band, it was the Backing Group. In last period, Beatrice already played punk/new wave influenced musics, therefore Backing Group played similar music. This band was a short lived band (just few month) and they had to played some Beatrice songs too, because the public was not tolarated their interesting punk/new wave style. Backing Group broke up end of 1981 and Fero started the Bikini in 1982. But it's another story...


01.Itt a tavasz (The spring is here)
02.Nem vagyok én apáca (I'm not a nun)
03.Nem bírom a gyűrődést (I can't carry the stress-my nerves are bad)
04.Sárga bögre (Yellow cup)
05.Szignál (Signature tun)
06.Írtam a bátyámnak egy dalt (I wrote a song to my brother)
07.Szignál (Signature tun)
08.Mindent akarok de azt most rögtön (I want everything and immediately)
09.Szőke punk lány (Blond punk girl)
10.Zártosztály (Mental hospital)


Sunday, 3 January 2010

Z.E.F.-rehearsal and live 1984

Z.E.F. ( meaning in English: Sultry before thunderstorm) was a Hungarian oi! band between 1984-1987. The singer (in the picture with guitar) was a drummer in Modells and Mosoi between 1981-1983. Although the band played oi! and skinhead music, they weren't nazis, they and i don't understand why they were skinheads? Because their lyrics weren't racist and weren't extremists. Their lyrics is absolutely okay. So, this rehearsal there are 8 demo tracks and 2 live tracks. Unfortunately is not so good quality, very poor.


01.Oi! Oi! Oi!
02.Itt az idő (Here's the time)
03.Pusztulás (Destruction)
04.Rock gyilkosok (Rock killers)
05.Alkoholos szerelem (Alcoholic love)
06.SZ.E.SZ. (mosaic words, meaning Alcohol)
07.Sör-dal (Beer-song)
08.Barikádok (Barricades)

Live tracks:

09.Annetté Straßbourg


Some better quality Z.E.F. tracks:

01.Oi! Oi! Oi!


Friday, 1 January 2010

Kretens-concert in Ikarusz, 26. 05. 1982

Here's the unknown Kretens tape from early 80s, maybe from 1982. At this time, Kretens played raw, uncompromise punk-rock music. The band still played California Über Alles from Dead Kennedys. I don't know too much about this tape, i think, it's a great quality concert tape. Few days ago i thought it's a demotape, but i mistaken. Very interesting stuff!! Enjoy!


01.Várjál (Waiting)
02.Sárga veszedelem (Chinese danger)
03.Ha nem váltod meg a világot (If you don't change the world...)
04.I don't like you
05.California Über Alles
06.Előre vörösök! (Come on Soviets!)
07.Ringyó (Whore)
08.I hate
09.Torkig vagyok (I am fed up)
10.Pogányima (Heathen prayer)
11.Mocsár (Marsh)
12.Bürokraták (Bueaucrates)


Boldog Idők-1985

Boldog Idők (meaning: Happy Times ) was a one of the first ska-punk band in Hungary in mid '80s. I don't know too much about this band, just i think, they lived in Szeged. This tape is very rare, i think, it was a kind of demo-concert because the recordings are very good quality!


01.Orosz tél (Russian winter)
02.Boldog idők (Happy times)
03.Minden kiderül (Everything is come to light)
04.Nyilvános szerelem (Public love)
05.Film-Vörös katona (Movie-Soviet soldier)
06.Karnevál (Carnival)
07.Én a nagyszerű ember (I am the wonderful people)
08.Túl nagy nyomás (Too big pressure)
09.Amikor még (When still...)
11.Lip up fatty
12.Gengszter (Gangster)
