Thursday 7 January 2010

Backing Group-live in Kecskemét 06.10.1981

When the Beatrice broke up in 1981, the singer, Fero Nagy started a new band, it was the Backing Group. In last period, Beatrice already played punk/new wave influenced musics, therefore Backing Group played similar music. This band was a short lived band (just few month) and they had to played some Beatrice songs too, because the public was not tolarated their interesting punk/new wave style. Backing Group broke up end of 1981 and Fero started the Bikini in 1982. But it's another story...


01.Itt a tavasz (The spring is here)
02.Nem vagyok én apáca (I'm not a nun)
03.Nem bírom a gyűrődést (I can't carry the stress-my nerves are bad)
04.Sárga bögre (Yellow cup)
05.Szignál (Signature tun)
06.Írtam a bátyámnak egy dalt (I wrote a song to my brother)
07.Szignál (Signature tun)
08.Mindent akarok de azt most rögtön (I want everything and immediately)
09.Szőke punk lány (Blond punk girl)
10.Zártosztály (Mental hospital)
