Sunday 10 January 2010

Marina Revue-rehearsal

Here's other Marina Revue demotape. I don't know too much about this tape, maybe made in 1984 or 1985. I don't know... But the quality is good and if you watch, you can understand their lyrics. I very like this tape. Enjoy!

01.Úgyis meghalunk (We will die)
02.Rohad a bolygó (The Earth is became rotten)
03.Nem maradt ránk semmi (Nothing fell on us)
04.Nicky Cruz
05.Éljen a nyugodtság (Hurray the calm)
06.Meddig tart még? (How long is it?)
07.Sárga eső (Yellow rain)
08.Robbanj föl te negédes világ (Blow up sweet world!)
09.Kutya vonyít (Dog is howl)
10.Sikoly a mából (Scream from today)
11.Régi múltad (Your old past)
12.Romantika (Romantic)
13.Hajszolni a boldogulást (Hunt after the happiness)
14.Én vagyok az a srác (I am that boy)
15.Zúg a Volga-Ne aggódj a kormány miatt (The Volga river is rumble-Don't worry about the Government)
16.Őrizd a békét (Defend the peace)
