Kisangyal (in English: Littleangle) was a simple punkband in Hungary, formed in 1986 and broke up end of 1987. I think, the band is not so individual but the bandleader Ádám Pozsonyi later wrote a punkbook in the end of 90s and he went to journalist to Magyar Nemzet and Demokrata newspapers.
I don't like this demo too much and i don't read Pozsonyi's newspapers, because too right-wing deviation....
But i don't want to influence anybody therefore download and enjoy!

01.A mezőgazdasági munka szépségei (Beauty of agricultural work)
03.Pax! Mir! Béke! (Peace!)
04.Virsligyár (Sausage-factory)
05.Traktoroslány (Tractor-driver girl)
06.Bárcsak háború lenne már (If only there would be war already)
07.Virsligyár (Sausage-factory)
08.Elmegyek (I go away)
09.Bárcsak háború lenne már(If only there would be war already)
12.Szólhat már a rádió (The radio can work)
13.Szebb jövö (Pretty future)
14.Kárpát medence (Pannonian basin)
16.A város holnaptól... (The city by tomorrow...)
17.Szebb jövö (Pretty future)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d1686155677bb26853395b2d21a7e8fc6