Trabant made a great depression "roommusic". They not played on gigs or concerts rather they made demotapes. Here's one of Trabant demotape from early 80s. I wrote about Trabant few month ago i wrote all information therefore i don't write a lot now.

01.azt hiszem, hogy (I think, that...)
02.ez a ház (This house)
03.Ez lett a vége (This was the end)
04.go, baby
05.harang a-b (Bell a-b)
06.itt van, pedig senki se hívta (He is here, but nobody called him)
07.levert vagy (You are depressed)
08.marionett (Marionette)
09.mániákus depresszió (Maniac depression)
10.napszúrás (Sunstroke)
11.pirosbetűs napok (Important days)
12.pótvizsga (Second examination)
13.ragaszthatatlan szív (Unstick heart)
14.rövid séta (Short walking)
15.Rio és Tokyo (Rio and Tokyo)
16.szállodák, palmafak (Hotels, Palm-trees)