Kontroll Csoport(Control Group) recorded this demo in 1983 in Ikarusz club. It's a real curious story, because MHV (name of the Hungarian Record Company) sponsored their demo recorded, and the Record Company planed Control Group LP, but it was failed. Namely, the band played in Spions memorial concert in april, 1983, and it was scandalous gig. So, luckily the official Control Group LP was failed but this demo came to lot of people.
In the early 90s, the descendant of Record Company wanted to released officially this demo. But it was failed again. Finally this demo released by Bahia in 1992.

01.A zene mindenkié (Music Is For Everybody)
02.Nem én vagyok (It's Not Me)
04.Kis piros bombázó (Little Red Bombardier)
05.Ma háború van, holnap béke (There's War Today, Peace Tomorrow)
06.Eladom (I Sell Everything)
08.Kicsinek látszol innen (You Look Small From Here)
09.A rock'n'roll egy állat (Rock'N'Roll Is An Animal)
10.A félelem háza (The house of fear)
11.Fényes bogarak (Shining insects)
12.Ole, Ola
13.Besúgók és provokátorok (Informers and provocators)
14.Ez a fajta (This kind)
15.Ez a fajta csoda (This kind wonder)
16.Jöjj drágám (Come on my darling)
17.Lili Kommandó (Lili Commando)
18.Azt csináljak amit akarok (I want to do what i want)
19.Hol vannak a régi álmaim (Where I have the old dreams)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d1686155677bb26852d5d461a3bc265cb