88-as Csoport(In English:Group of 88) was a famous Hungarian punk-rock band from late 80s. Some silly man believe in 88-as Csoport was a nazi-skinhead band, but i don't believe it. It's a simple punk with good music and great provocative lyrics. I know, 88-as Csoport made some anti-immigrant or anti-guestworker songs(e.g. Kubai Nők, Kolompár) but i think, they wasn't a rascist band.
So, 88-as Csoport released 2 demo in 1985 and in 1986. Enjoy!
01.Folyjon a vér(Let's flow the blood!)
02.Matuska (It's a song about Szilveszter Matuska, who was a terrorist in the 30s in Hungary)
03.Orosz tél (Russian winter)
04.Mindennek vége (Everything is end)
05.Pisztoly Rock and Roll (Pistol Rock and Roll)
06.Skála-kópé (Skala-Coop=Hungarian supermarket in the 80s)
07.Monotónia (Monotony)
08.Miért nem írsz? (Why don't you write?)
09.Szám a sok közül (Number the from among a lot)
10.Csak bábú vagy (You just a puppet)
12.Minden O.K. (Everything is Okay)
13.Nürnbergi utcák (Streets of Nürnberg)
14.Kubai nők (Kuban women)
15.16 tonna (16 metric ton)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d19747bd91027d4dda50764b548e1e668