Here's the Rolls Frakció (Rolls Fraction) live recording from 1983. Real great sound with powerful and provocative punk/new wave songs. I can't write more this tape, maybe so much i very like this Rolls Frakció recording. It's uncut version, there are two sides. In the last song, the band played God Save the Queen from Sex Pistols. Very interesting version with typical English double Dutch.
01.Bordám között kasza(Scythe between my ribs)
02.Nem változott semmi(Nothing change)
04.Belvárosi üvegház(Central Skyscraper)
05.Széles tágas a tér(broad and wide square)
06.A városban ahol élek (In the city where i live)
07.Bérház(Apartment house)
08.Lakótelep(Block of flats)
09.Rutinos megalkuvók(Experienced oppurtunism)
10.Budapest felett(Budapest over)
11.Fogyasztói társadalom(Customer society)
14.Tavaszi délután(Spring afternoon)
16.Fejezetek egy iskolás gyermek naplójából (Diary of schoolboy)
17.Robbangatunk, rabolgatunk(we just blow up and rob)
18.Lombikbébi(Lombic baby)
19.Tégla(Daily spy)
20.Adj helyet(Give me a place)
21.God save the queen(Sex Pistols)
But, unfrotunately nothing is perfect, because 14,15,16,17,18 songs repeat on B-side.
Link A-side: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d1686155677bb268589e5d83f14d5ed40
Link B-side: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d1686155677bb268552aa56da57e0301d