Here's 2nd LP from Bikini from 1984(the name of the LP in English: 20th century news). It's was a very unusual LP at that time, this LP there are undetermine style, there are a bit punk, a bit rock, and a bit new wave and a bit experimenting.
But this LP didn't make a big musical and mental excitement because the mainstream Hungarian rock musicians and the Record Company are not tolerated these new and innovating endeavours....
01.Katonanóta a XX. századból(Soldier song from 20th century)
02.Csak a közönség nem... (Just the audience not...)
03.Lángosképű (Fried dough-face)
04.Matematikus dala (Song of mathematician)
05.Itt is, ott is (Here and there)
06.Balhé és blöff (Fuss and bluff)
08.Tréfás népi játék a XX. századból (Funny folk play from the 20th century)
09.Furcsa jazz (Strange jazz)
10.Én a XX. század költője (I'm a the poet from the 20th century)
11.Elhervadt a (Fade away the...)
12.Sárga bögre (Yellow cup)
13.Medvetánc (Bear dancing)
15.Lagzi (Party)