Here's the early Spenót (Spinach) recording from 1981. In initial period, Spenót played reggae included music with a bit rock.Short, hit flavour songs,ironical and here and there depressed lyrics.... it's unfortunate that they couldn't released LP their existence. Unfortunately i couldn't find suitable picture about this band. Enjoy!
01. Intro
02.Csak cigarettázom és eszem (I just smoke a cigarette and eat)
03.Élek-félek (I live-i afraid)
04.Kopj le már (Get out)
05.Versike(Short poem)
07.Spenót (Spinach)
08.Farkas Berci légy enyém ma éjjel (I want to you Bertalan Farkas)
(You know, Bertalan Farkas was a only Hungarian spaceman)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ea2532596111ca6d19747bd91027d4ddc04ea913703bf52c