In 1983, Bikini released first album, Hova lett. This album is one of my favorite Hungarian punk stuff! Unclass style-many sided. Here's one of Bikini concert from 1983. This bootleg made in countryside, but absolutely good quality. Early Bikini was assimilite to Beatrice, they played (next to own songs) they played some song from Ramones (Beat on the Brat in Hungarian!!,Blitzkrieg Bop) , from West-German new wave band Trio (Da Da Da) and they played Sex Pistols too. And they often played communist "propagandist" songs, e.g. "Hegyek között". It was their joke!
01.Szignál (Signature tune)
02.A zenekar üzenete (Message of the band)
03.Hegyek között (Between mountains)
04. 13 fodor van a szoknyámon (I have 13 frill in my skirt)
06.Motorizált nemzedék (Motorized generation)
07.Nem leszek a játékszered (I'm won't your toy)
08.Viva! Carramba!
10.Da Da Da (Trio)
11.Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones)
12.Beat on the Brat (Ramones)
13.Lángosképű (Fried dough-face)
14.Térden állva (Stand in knee)
15.Katicabogárka (Ladybird)
16.Zártosztály (Mental hospital)
17.Holiday in the Sun (Sex Pistol)
18.Nagyvárosi farkas (Urban wolf)
19.Ki csinál szódát? (Who make soda?)
20.Kislány vigyázz (Little girl, take care)
21.Hegyek között (Between mountains-outro)