Beatrice was a legendary Hungarian rock-punk band, formed in 1974, but in the initial period, they played disco music, but it was a another band. Disco Beatrice broke up in 1976 and the band changed music-style. They started rock and later (maybe in 1978-1979), they started punk influenced music. They often played
Ramones songs during the concerts but in Hungarian! At this time, already they were a banned band in Hungary because of their provocative lyrics.
In 1980-1981 the band already played punk/new wave influenced songs, but they never would be a really punk/new wave band, but the Beatrice was a absolutely important band in Hungarian punk history. I think, they were a pre-punk band. Because of the banned, the Beatrice broke up in late 1981. The singer, Feró Nagy later played a lot of Hungarian punk/underground band, e.g. Backing Group, Csiga Biga, Bikini. In the late 80s, the Beatrice was reformed and after the peaceful revolution, the band released lot of new albums. The band play nowadays too, but is not a same band...
01.Minek él az olyan (What live that kind of...)
02.Civilizáció (Civilization)
03.Besült a mutatvány (The show is out of order)
04.Punk szerelmi líra (Punk love lyric poetry)
05.Viszlát (Good bye!)
06.Túl az Óperencián (Across the Óperencia)
07.Topis zenész (Poor musician)
08.Szóló (Guitarsolo)
09.Nem nekem tanulsz (You don't learn me-You learn yourself)
10.Katicabogárka (
11.Nagyvárosi farkas (Urban wolf)
12.Sánta Mária (Lame Mary)
13.Itt a tavasz (The spring is here)
14.Meditáció II. (Meditation II.)
15.Nem kell (Not need)
16.Közjáték (Public toys)
17.Topis bluz (Poor blues)
18.Bécsi csók (Vienna kiss)
19.Üzenetek II. (Messages II.)
20.Éljen, Éljen, Hurrá! (Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!)
21.Kifakult sztár (Grew star)