01.Elmúltak Az Ünnepek (The celebrations passed) 02.Budapesti Anzix (Greeting to Budapest) 03.A vonat (The train) 04.Telefon (Telephone) 05.Tea 06.Szép szolidan (Just in pretty and solid) 07.Macska az úton (Cat on the street) 08.Ugatnak a kutyák (The dogs are barking) 09.Szunnyadó város (Sleeping town) 10.Reggae 11.Izgalom (Excitement) 12.Jóéjszakát (Good night) |
Trabant was a interesting new wave band in Hungary in the early 80s. They never played in concert, instead of they just made a demo recordings. The band released only EP, Eszkimó asszony fázik(meaning Eskimo woman feel cold) in 1984. This EP was a soundtrack EP, and the name of the movie agree with EP name. Eskimo woman feel cold was a great film, the Trabant bandmembers are performed in this movie. This film speak about 2 men and 1 beautiful sexy woman(she was the Trabant singer). One of us man is dumb and the second man is a succesfull piano artist. Both of men fall in love with the sexy blondie woman, and the woman love both of men... It's a difficult story, with Trabant music... In this movie, we can watch a bit sex, we can watch difficult circumstances of life and we can listen new wave musics... It's a great film!
in picture: Trabant in "Eskimo woman feel cold" movie
01.Milyen Kegyetlen Egy Szerelem (How the cruel the love) 02.Állatkert (Zoo) 03.Aki Bújt, Aki Nem ( 04.Üzenet A Liftből (Message from the lift) 05.Valami Mocorog (Something stirring) 06.A Fodrász (The barber) 07.A Pénztárcámat (My purse) 08.A Lány, Aki Nincs (The girl who was not) 09.A Tükör (The mirror) 10.Indul A Hinta (The swing is starting) Link:http://www.mediafire.com/?nplg22u4golhgda |