Early KFT was a very good new wave band, their first 2 LPs are absolutely good new wave stuffs. KFT founded in 1981, and the band played on "TOP SONG FESTIVAL 1981" with the song : "BÁBU VAGY" called in English: "You are the puppet". This song became a very popular new wave song in Hungary in early 80s. In 1981-1982 the band used make up, therefore they looked like a crazy punkband.
Lot of Hungarian new wave band didn't released any recording during the 80s, but the KFT is yes! Their first LP called "Macska Az Úton" ( Cat on the street), became a very unusual Lp in early 80s Hungary. When lot of Hungarian rock bands singing about teenage life-feelings e.g. "I was your kid" or "I leave the town", the KFT have puritan, simple topics and lyrics like "Tea", "House plant", "Greetings from Budapest".
In 1983, the band released their second LP called "Üzenet a Liftből/Fodrász" (Message from the lift/ The barber).
Maybe this LP became better than the first! More new wave synthpop stuffs, and more post-punk tones! Songs like "Fodrász" similar to Neue Deutsche Welle style with cool synth effects.
Song "Üzenet a liftből" like a cool The Police influenced "white reggae" with a good guitar solo. Song "Valami mocorog " also similar to one of Police song from Regatta De Blanc.
But You can listen some post-punk songs too like : "Milyen kegyetlen a szerelem" and "Állatkert".
This record stay fresh todays too, if you listen this LP, you don't feel old 80s feelings.
01.Milyen Kegyetlen Egy Szerelem (How the cruel the love) 02.Állatkert (Zoo) 03.Aki Bújt, Aki Nem ( 04.Üzenet A Liftből (Message from the lift) 05.Valami Mocorog (Something stirring) 06.A Fodrász (The barber) 07.A Pénztárcámat (My purse) 08.A Lány, Aki Nincs (The girl who was not) 09.A Tükör (The mirror) 10.Indul A Hinta (The swing is starting) Link:http://www.mediafire.com/?nplg22u4golhgda |