A Cég ( The Firm ) was a Hungarian underground/new wave band in the mid 80s. I don't know more infos about this band, just one : the bandmembers had two idols : Sex Pistols and Rolling Stones.
Here's their rare recording from 1986, enjoy!
01. Vasárnap éjjel (Sunday evening)
02. Forró zene (Hot music)
03. Extasy Drive (Nina Hagen cover)
04. Idegen (Alien)
05. Este (Night)
06. Álom (Dream)
07. Utazás éjszaka (Travel at night)
08. Szörnyeteg szerelem (Monster love)
09. Chattanooga-Choo-Choo
10. Boldog békeidők (Happy peaceful times)
11. Átvezetés (Extension)
12. Rock and Roll Swindle
13. Jaj de jó! (So good!)
14. Nem vagyok (I'm not be)
15. Rock and Roll sztár (Rock and Roll star)
16. Kalandjaim, ha lennének... (I wish i had adventures)
17. 1985
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?tc0q5vfwvti9dk1