F.O. System (meaning: Fuck Off System) was a legendary Hungarian new wave/dark wave band between 1986-1991. F.O. System would be a cult band, they played with New Model Army and with Christian Death in West Germany and in West-Berlin.
Here's there once tape, made in 1990. Great depressed lyrics and tones. Enjoy!
01.Nézz rám (Look at me)
02.Hiába minden (All is in vain)
03.Utolsó üvoltés (The last howl)
04.Talán (Maybe)
05.Lebegés (Floating)
06.Még (Still)
07.Ne félj (Don't afraid)
08.Engedj el (Set me free)
09.Öngyilkos vágyak (Suicide desires)
10.Hold (Moon)
11.Ne gondolj rám (Don't think me)
12.Miért? (Why?)
13.Őrült világ (Crazy world)
14.Ha eljön az idő (If the time is here)
15.Túl közel (Too nearly)