In february 1983 six punk bands played in club Mozaik. These bands are: Kretens, Mosoi,BTK, CPg, Elhárítás, T34. It was a scandalous gig, because later Mosoi and CPg went to prison because of their lyrics.
Some information about the bands:

Kretens: I already wrote about Kretens. Formed in 1981 and in initial period (until 1983) they played non-commercial punk music, they were angry and anti-social. But after the gig, members of Kretens got a censure.They changed, and their music would be boring....
01.Induló (March)
02.Bürokraták (Bureaucrats)
03.Annyira fáj (It's very hurt me)
04.Üstben végzed az életed (You will dead in the pot)
05.Kripta ( Crypt)
06.5000 Ft-os ember (5000 HUF people)
07.Harmadik vétek (3rd sin)
08.Képmutató világ (Hypocritical world)
09.Százados elvtárs (Captain Comrade)
10.Neutron bomba-rumba (Neutron bomb-rumba)
11.Sárga veszedelem (Chinese danger)
12.Bobby Sands
13.Kinek kell ez? (Who care it?)
14.Csak ölsz (You just kill)
15.Előre vörösök (Soviets go on!)
16.Induló (March-reprise)
Mosoi: Maybe formed in late 1982 or in early 1983. Mosoi was a first skinhead band in Hungary, and they had one gig and the bandmembers went to prison. Mosoi lyrics was very very hard, angry and anti-social at this time. Some lyrics was racist. Not so friendly music, but very interesting. They sang about immigrants, gipsys, knob policemans and spoke about Ceausescu's Romania. I hope nobody is angry me because of this upload.
17. Bevándorlók bére (
Immigrants pay)
18.Cigánymentes övezet (Anti-gipsy area)
19. Rendőrdal (Policeman song)
20.Románia (Romania)
21.Skinhead-induló (Skinhead-march)
CPg: I already wrote about this band, therefore i don't want to write a lot. CPg band-history
very well-known.
22.Bu Bu
23.Ezredes (Colonel)
24.Hosszúhajú gyerekek (Long hair boys)
25.Mindenki tetű az MNK-ban (Everybody is louse in People's Republic of Hungary
26. Párbaj (Duel)
27.Primitív bunkó (Primitive knob)
28.Erdős Péter (Péter Erdős)
29.Áll egy ifjú élmunkás a réten (Young worker stand on the field)
30.Mindent megeszünk (We eat everything)
31.A berlini fal (Berlin wall)
32.Meghalt a cselszövö (Schemer was dead)
33.Anarchia (Anarchy)
34.Atombomba (Atomic bomb)
36.Mindennek te vagy az oka (You are the reason of everything)
T-34 : One of the very interesting Hungarian punkband, formed in 1981 and broke up in 1983.
I don't know a lot about T34, just a little: the singer, called him "Horthy"
(Miklós Horthy was a governing in Hungary between 1919-1944)
and he was very nervous and aggressive. "Horthy" deserted to West
after 1983, and he would be a Swiss neonazi...
We can call him to the Hungarian pre-skinhead.
I have 4 songs from band, maybe from this concert.
01.Erekció (Erection)
02.Kispolgári anarchia (Middle-class anarchy)
03.Pulóver (Pullover-"Long hair, little brain, unfashionable mob")
04.Amerika, köszönjük!
Elhárítás and BTK : I uploaded these recordings on my blog, you can download, if you interested in.