Here is the new post. Sorry but i have no enough time to my blog, just you know, the blog is live! But here is the rare bootleg from cult Hungarian new wave band, Rolls Frakció .
I don't know where made this bootleg... maybe in Balatonfüred in 1983.
Maybe it was the one of the last concerts of the band, because the band split up in 1984.
But in this bootleg, the quality is totally good, and the band played very raw like the punk band, there are 19 tracks and there are good and funny critism between the songs!
01.Bérház (Block)
02.Bordám között kasza (Scythe between my rib)
03.A városban ahol élek (The city where i live)
04.Lakótelep (Block of flats)
05.Széles tágas a tér (Wide wide square)
06.Nem változott semmi (Nothing changed)
07.Magyarország (Hungary)
08.Lányok térnek meg (Girl comes)
09.Budapest felett (Over Budapest)
10.Mérgeskígyó (Poison snake)
11.Izzik a tavaszi délután (Hot spring afternoon)
12.Adj helyett (Give me a place)
13.Fogyasztói társadalom (Consumer society)
14.Jólét (Welfare)
15.Belvárosi üvegház (Central skyscraper)
16.Robbantgatunk, rabolgatunk (We just damage, we just rob)
17.Fejezetek (Chapters...)
18.Hétköznapi tégla (Daily spy)
19.Villamos (Tram)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1jzmyjnjyjm