Control Group split up in the middle of 1983... Cool Hungarian new wave/underground band formed in 1980. They made some rehearshalroom tapes and one high quality demo in early 1983, but unfortunately, they couldn't released LP during the 80s. After the system-changes, the underground record company, Bahia released some Control Group recordings.
This recording is their last concert with their 1982-1983 songs in a good quality! Enjoy!
01. Ez az ami kell (That what is need)
02. I am you
03. Az ember minden nap csak felkel (Every day the people just getting up)
04. Gettó (Ghetto)
05. Édes álom (Sweet dream)
06. Bétaville
07. I wanna burn
08. Egy hang a rádióból (The voice from the radio)
09. Eladom (Sell everything)
10. Johnny Rotten
11. Anyád (Your mother)
12. Polak-Wenger
13. Halálos szerelem (Deadly love)
14. Jól van jól (Well, well)
15. Anti-Baby
16. Nem akarom elvenni a kedvedet (I don't wanna spoil your mood)
17. Annál jobb itt (It better here)
18. Hol vannak a régi álmaim (Where is my old desires?)
19. Kis piros bombázó (Little red bomber)
20. A zene mindenkié (The music is for everyone)
21. Ma háború van, holnap béke (Today war, tomorrow peace)
22. Besúgók és provokátorok (Spies and provokers)
23. Ez a fajta (This kind of people)
24. Félelem háza (House of fear)
25. I am you