The "summer hole" is end, now here's my new upload from the cool Hungarian pre-punk band, Galloping Coroners!
Here's some old VHK (Galloping Coroners) bootlegs from 1981-1984. Good stuffs, you can download more early Galloping Coroners recordings from their official site: http://vhk.mediastorm.hu/indexhu.html
And you can find another VHK stuffs from this blog:
So, my new upload there are six early recordings.
01. 10.03.1981
02. 31.12.1981
03. 29.03.1982
04. 30.04.1982
05. 30.10.1983
06. 20.03.1984
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?4b84usbmtj4v8n6